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Rommel Junior's Profile
Name: Rommel Junior
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Birth place: Taungoo
Current country: Australia
Interests: Travelling
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ShweLove is the worse website that i have ever seen in my life...:-(
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I am feeling thoughtful.
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Rommel Junior's Note Box
Hopeless hope

Although you are away,

minute and second give me hope.

I hope you aren’t rainbow,

but sole love in my heart.

My love for you,

as long as my life endure.
Added on: 2008-11-13 13:40:38
Just for you
Think and Love
When the sun is shining,
I think of you.
When the moon is sparkling,
I think of you.
When my heart is beating,
I am loving you.
Sad Season
Sunny in my heart.
Raining in my eye.
Cloudy in my thought,
because of missing you.
A love air breeze into a sleeping heart.
A sleepind heart wake up from a dream.
A dream when i am not sleeping.
Sky full of stars,
make me happy.
Life full of love,
make me smile.
I will love you until the last star fall from the sky,
because you are my love,my life and my lady.
Day after day,
my lonely heart still waiting you
to prove the everlasting love.

Life after life,
always empty space in my heart soley for you
to prove the eternal love.
Only Heart
Gloomy in my life
because you are away.
Fear in my thought
because of loneliness.
But delight in my heart
because of always thinking of you.
Beyond the limit
Born and die.
Flower and wither.
Initial and final.
Alpha and omega.
But real love is endless.
Thank you
I am thankful everyday with all my life
because you make me convinced the existance of love.

I am thankful everyday with all my heart
because the reflection of your image in my heart make me thinking of you.
Why should i see you,because you are nowhere.
But image remain in my mind.
Why should i think of you,because you are disappear.
But memories remain in my thought.
Why should i love you,because you are away.
But unendingly love remain in my heart.
Why should i write these poems,because i am not a poet.
But the reason is you.
I see a last leaf at the top of the tree.
I am eager to pluck the leaf.
But i never do it.
The tree is not high.
Because of my fear.
Fear make me full of tears.
And worry about the leaf,
from the wind blow.
If i get that leaf,
i will proud and satisfy,before and after the end of time.
Beyoud the existence and non-existence of everythings.
Feel and Real
Without seeing the flower,
the fragrant make me believe the existance of beauty.
Without gazing the sun,
the shining make me convince the existance of universe.
Without staring the moon,
the sparkling make me assurs the existance of stars.
In love,all the meaning of life is fulfill.
With not only feeling but also action,
realism,inspiration,trueness and completeness.
Love from soulless
The strength grew the flower to kiss the universe,
because of the flow of love from earth and sky,
and also birds and bees fly around the fields,
fulfill the harmony of the beauty glanced.
Although soulless,
earth and sky can love the flowers,
why couldn't peope love each other?
fill your heart with endless love,
and share it to other hearts,
to show the sign of peace and paean.
Simple and unique
A simple smile from you,
catch my whole heart forever.
At the very moment,
the meaning of beauty begin,
in my life.
the composing of love start,
in my heart.
The moon and stars will disappear,
but not the love from the inmost heart,
what a unique wonderful thing!
but now you are away.
Miss you very much,
You have the responsibility for the consequance.
Added on: 2008-11-13 13:35:04
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