on 2013-05-29 00:03:05 |
Hi all since I am so bored and feel like writing now. So let me share abt the above subject which I read from Buddhist book.
True love is selfless. Your love for him/her is so much that you wish the best for him/her. Even if he/she doesn't be together with you. You are happy just as long as he/she is happy. There is simply no conditions attached at all. He/She does not need to do anything to make you love him/her. Examples of selfless true love is family love.
Hmmm which is what we do not see in bgr relationship type of love right??? Cos bgr love is put simply, with conditions and selfish type of love. The other party needs to make you happy.
1) he/she did anything which you dislike you will be angry and if alot of times, you love them lesser with each time
2) if he/she left you for someone, you wish he/she suffer cos you probably felt so miserable and unable to feel happy that he found his love.
Just sharing. :)