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Topic: male are unfaithful ??
heavenstar wrote:
on 2009-02-11 22:48:50
Is it right that male are unfaithful creatures..In my environment,,i've often heard that male are uncontent and always looking for new love even though they r single or married or in relationship..Why male cannot live without having relationship? Why they want more when they get one? Why male are so selfish and mean? Why they are so greedy and want to look down to girls? Why they are so confident themselves and proud of them?
aungnaing wrote:
on 2009-02-13 09:12:14
I suggest that you have met some men who are in the habit of fraud and deceit;imposition as well as imposture;deception and duplicity.As a matter of fa
ct,no man is perfect .Everybody is selfish in nature.
with regards
Bye wrote:
on 2009-05-05 17:25:18
coz men are all stupid...
they just wanted to have new, new, and new...
they will never understand what true love and faithful love is...
just because they have no brain but only sex motion...
it is better for the men to meet just the girl who is a liar...and lie them... all their whole life...
on 2009-08-10 01:14:38
not all male are unfaithful creatures
some fight one by one for a girl
some cry for a girl
some die for a girl
some lie for a girl
some lost their life for a girl
some ......
all thing happen because of love
so love is unfaithful creature
arkino wrote:
on 2009-12-05 15:15:23
Yes. you talking are right. but not only male happen like this. female also because we are human beings, we also have our selfish way. who did good or bad, it is depend on own self. I also see many female did like this.
arkino wrote:
on 2009-12-05 15:17:27
Yes. you talking are right. but not only male happen like this. female also because we are human beings, we also have our selfish way. who did good or bad, it is depend on own self. I also see many female did like this.
arkino wrote:
on 2009-12-05 15:18:43
Yes. you talking are right. but not only male happen like this. female also because we are human beings, we also have our selfish way. who did good or bad, it is depend on own self. I also see many female did like this.
solomon wrote:
on 2012-02-22 18:16:39
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