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Topic: Nothing is impossible but not everything is sure
Grunch wrote:
on 2008-11-27 03:54:04

Thank 4 giving the attention to my message.

As all known I am nay min. I just try to open our eye aprt from the norms. Napolean said that (may be I wrong) Impossible is not in my dictionary. Are you agree with that? One of my freind describe the IMPOSSIBLE is that I M POSSIBLE. Its means I am ppossible to do so. Interesting! Yes I think so. If you try Hard and smart, if you have luck and consistancy, Absolutely you can win whatever you want. In myanmr proverb, "If you try hard, you can be god." Right? So if you want to get your goal,, you must try hard and you need luck and wisdom. But not all the knowledge is wisdom. Wisdom is just depend on your mentality. Knowledge can polish your wisdom. So be wise, be smart and be win. However In this world, everything is changed in each and every second and time. Everything consist of your mind, body, wealth, economy, politic, and so on. Especially your mind.. before one hour you want this but after one hour you want another one. Did you feel that kind of situation? Before you eat your lunch, you are very hungry and greedy to eat. After you have finished your lunch, you dont want to see this food. Did you feel that? Its the changes of your mind. Even though you mind (that you think its your own )is not sure, which things inthe world can be sure? So if you want something to achieve in your life, fine! try to get it. But Please do not forget everythings can be changed in anytime Please be aware of that....

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With millions of best wishes

Nay Min
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