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Topic: the reason why the sun raise up
Bye wrote:
on 2008-11-17 22:22:49
i wake up and the sun raise up...
the sun raise up because of i wake up...
so because of me...the sun raise up....

how many friends here agree with that...?

give me ur comment or otherwise, it might be true that the sun raise just because of me...

on 2008-11-18 14:01:22
if the sun rise b'cos of u.....u r the responsible person for the sun set........the sun can only rise till noon.
after that it will go's the cycle of life.
Bye wrote:
on 2008-11-18 18:02:09
if the sun rise b'cos of u.....u r the responsible person for the sun set........the sun can only rise till noon.
after that it will go's the cycle of life.

om...thz again toe toe yaw,

u have a great idea on cycle of life ... but...

then, is it u mean that u agree with what i said on the sun raise because of me?

then, everything in the world is depend on me ya...!

om..or give me more fact on why it is not true...or otherwise i m the only one who can control the sun

coz i wake up then the sun raise up... the sun raise up coz i wake up so..the sun raise up coz i wake up...


mgmaung wrote:
on 2008-12-03 13:37:11
Dear Bye,

i can prove that the sun raise up not because of u by letting u sleep and getting up late and still i will show that the sun is still raise up without u...or even if u don't wake up or get up...

otherwise, the sun raise up and sunset everyday even if without's nature...

is it enough info:...

Bye wrote:
on 2008-12-03 13:38:54
Thanks Dear A Maung...

luuluu wrote:
on 2008-12-05 00:07:21
THE EARTH IS LIVING...................
WITHOUT YOU.............................
Bye wrote:
on 2008-12-06 15:46:19
dear luu luu...

thz kha..

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