on 2008-11-08 12:31:58 |
Are you willing to delete this message again? In the opening of this page you posted that you can share whatever the opinion of you. But if i tell one thing you delete that. Excuse me there is no violation. I just told the truth. I knew people doesnt want to hear all the truth because that are too loud and sharp. But I find myself I am enjoying to tell the truth. Not from my side, from universal truth of life. Noone knows truth. Every truth of everyone is depend on their ego. Osama bin la din has his truth. Bush has his truth. Than shwe has his truth. Aung san su kyi has her truth. Obama has his truth. Mc cain has his truth. Iraq has its truth saddam huseein has his truth. Iran has its truth and you all have your truth. Everything is up to you. But there is only one universal truth that the most appropriate way to apply in life. I will say little by little,
Topic-1: Life come and gone continuesly for almost all of the people.
We was born in perticular day. I have the question, for what we have to be born? The answer is to get suffer and pain. Everyone says child is innocent. So do you knowwhy they crying after they come out from mother? Because they angry and afraid to see the world. The child crys because he want to eat, drink and play. If he doesnt get that he angry and cry. That mean innocent? Whenever your mind is full with dissatisfaction and anger, you are bad. But not all the people didnt notice that. They just pass hrough their childhood and the anger, pride are grow and grow.and bigger and bigger and finally that forces you to be crazy. Whatever you are great or poor, at last we have to die . So what for? |
on 2008-11-08 22:22:29 |
Being a buddhisim, i belive the past life and kamma. Why we became human being? because of something we did in our past life, but there is a way to conclude the life, it's only "Nirvana" (not a CURT COBANE"S band name), im parli "nait van". To understand "Nirvana", there is only one way, is "vipassana meditation", once u try meditation compelety, u'l understand what is life, why we are here, what we r living for, what must we do. So, if u have time, try "Vipassana". |
on 2008-11-14 04:20:50 |
Dear aliean,
Thanks for your suggestion. I am really appreciated that. But there is somethings you misunderstand me because of my written style. I just try to say and explain about human nature. I accept Nivanna. ESCAPE FROM EVERYTHING BUT IN PEACE.
But before I try I try to know about the human's mind and nature. And I learnt. And I feel very annoying myself and others because of our black mind. But now I am looking at the minds. What is happening in mind? IT IS INTERESTING.
Best regard...
Nay min |
on 2008-11-15 20:00:07 |
I think, it’s not only to suffer and pain from being a human. In my view, at least, we have chance to do what we want to do for the people who we love and who love us and learn so many thing in the world and also done both good and bad thing for many reasons. I hope the pain and difficulties will make us stronger and less mistake in the future.
And also I think, kid can’t speak or explain how they feel or what they want to get, that’s the only way they can do is crying. People have different mindset base on their community, their experiences, and their background so we need more understanding to make the world peace. It’s good to have different mindset and opinions, then, the world will be not boring and more creative. There should be a problem and also way to solve it.
We need to understand people if we want people to understand us.
Everything should start form ourselves even peace.
I think.
on 2009-07-04 19:24:34 |
Hi aliean,
I just have read about your comment on this topic.
Really appreciate that because of prestented from the point of view from Buddha way.
In real world and daily life, it's difficult to find out who can value the life by meditation or follow by buddha words.
Life could describe a lot of meanings by own experience but finally to stop the trouble, every creature need to meet the "Neik Ban". Should try as possible as we can.
So that life can be meaningful and can understand for life.
wanna share this link as a dhamma darna.
Thanks and regards,