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Topic: why sad song is famous for the people who feel sad...
Bye wrote:
on 2008-09-19 23:33:41
Mostly, people love to listen to many sad songs when they feel sad or broken heart...

Do u know why...?
luuluu wrote:
on 2008-09-21 14:15:35
Because of..
songs make of a rough model for human's feeling.
Bye wrote:
on 2008-10-09 00:21:08
Thz for giving me ur opinion "Dear Lu Lu"....

and i think, sometimes, people have some mental problem coz they know the best that if they are going to listen to sad song, they can be very sad but they still listen and try to hurt themselves instead of listen to other music which is not sad or which have meaning to encourage them to step forward more for their future... and just left their sad past...

heavenstar wrote:
on 2008-10-10 05:09:34
Dear sister
what i think is that people want to listen to sad stories bec they can feel released of their daily sad cases if they have to listen sad stories or watch sad say clearly,they've just forgotten about their problems and their bad personal feelings..instead of it,,they feel sorry or sad ..some may even cry by hearing those sad stories.. For me,i usually watch horror movies..i like that feeling of characters in horror movies are afraid of some ghosts around them or some evil spirits..and really want to watch that kind of movies not bec of it makes me feel good but bec of it causes my own stress away from me and my problems and bad things around me are fainted as compared with their sufferings~one more thing! i also like to scream as loud as I can by watching their sad and cruel stories! some guys are as cruel as evil sis according to my experience...
Bye wrote:
on 2008-10-10 11:44:07
Thz sis heavenstar,

I must trust ur experiences... and hope it will make u stronger....

on 2008-10-14 02:59:40
i don't know why.
but when i really really sad, i listen hip hop music.
they encourage me alot and teach me how to revenge,
how to explore.
I really satify that.
heavenstar wrote:
on 2008-10-14 05:12:41
u r right
music gives me strength and takes away all of my daily problems at once ...
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