Shwe Love
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Topic: Love
Hay Mar wrote:
on 2008-09-04 18:15:53
I want to say about love that I know. Love is soft. But always difficult to know. Love makes happiness, sadness etc. I am afraid of love because it is grade, difficult to understand. But it have valuable ability. I think when I have real love, I will win true love but I don't know how is true love. How will I fine? If u know exactly about love, I want to know.
Thus of
helen wrote:
on 2008-09-05 16:49:53
Love is just like candy............I think.But candy is sweet (don't too much eat)
luuluu wrote:
on 2008-09-08 00:01:17
I think that Love is as like as a coffee .
After u drunk, u will feel difficult to sleep.
If u drink so much, u will feel
luuluu wrote:
on 2008-09-08 00:02:31
I think that Love is as like as a coffee .
After u drunk, u will feel difficult to sleep.
If u drink so much, u will feel
Bye wrote:
on 2008-09-17 18:50:17

i think, love is ...
- the thing that can make people smile and cry...
- one of the most powerful things in the world...
- a fruit that people can get it...
- a very beautiful garden which need a good gardener...
- something that happen inside in our heart with no reason...
- the most wonderful thing in the world..
- something that happen inside our heart hardly and difficult to erase...out..

khinekhine wrote:
on 2008-09-27 07:33:05
love has a lot of means. But everybody can know this surely. Why ? they have different mind, different opinion , heart and other basic reasons. But love always pay eveybody that is sad and happy.
Nicky wrote:
on 2008-09-30 13:56:42
i wanna love with u
jocker wrote:
on 2009-09-08 23:06:25
u want know, i will teach u
wailintint wrote:
on 2011-01-01 16:21:36
you worn love is just air rearly hear no see[but love is story]
wailintint wrote:
on 2011-01-01 16:21:41
you worn love is just air rearly hear no see[but love is story]
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