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Topic: anyone using i-phone?
Kyaw Htun wrote:
on 2008-08-23 04:53:57
hello all,

i am thinking of buying an i-phone. is anyone using it? what is your recommendation? is it worth the money?


Kyaw Htun wrote:
on 2008-08-23 04:55:47
oh by the way, i heard that i-phone 3G has some connectivity issues. is it true also?
phyu wrote:
on 2008-08-23 05:33:55
i-phone is finally coming to singapore! but must get a new line from singtel. only then, you can buy.
phyu wrote:
on 2008-08-23 05:34:45

oh by the way, i heard that i-phone 3G has some connectivity issues. is it true also?

not sure about the connectivity issues...
Thant Zin wrote:
on 2008-09-04 04:54:09
I am on my second iphone 3G in US. My first one is okie. I took it to Yangon and sole it. My second 3G was alittle bit buggy and need to turn off and restart occationally. Google and Microsoft are making their phones and I am really hoping for google phone. In US, I shelled out around $75 monthly payment for iphone 3G. Of course I paid $199+tax for buying it from apple store when it came out. Just wait for better one. AT&T and ipone in US are really bad. I don't know about S'pore iphone 3g.
Bananaboy wrote:
on 2008-10-28 15:57:39
You can't connect Bluetooth with other ph, only ITune software can work properly. Battery life.

This is i know about.
MEME wrote:
on 2010-02-20 19:55:46
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